Monday, March 3, 2008

GPS Fish Finder - How Can It Help You Find That Trophy Fish?

Lets make one thing clear; the tracking technology does not find fish. Well, it finds fish, but not with the GPS. Which is why it can get a but confusing. I figured it would find fish, period.

I have looked at the video, and I realize they have the ability to read your license plate number from miles up in orbit around the earth. Smoke cigarettes? They know which brand they are or if its not tobacco your smoking. At least that is what their saying on the paranoia internet websites.

Hence, it can lead you to believe the satellites up there could find the fish for you. Probably even the bigger fish as well. I mean, they probably can not find a minnow. But, maybe a sturgeon? A GPS fish finder should be able to pin down a sturgeon, right?

Well, to find fish to find fish the use of sonar is employed with a GPS fish finder, similar to a regular fish finder. The GPS component is completely external to the function of the fish finder. Additionally, as it ends up. The satellites that can read your license plate are actually spy satellites, not GPS satellites.

Its All About Location, Location, Location

So we get down to the question; what does the GPS part of the fish finder actually do? It lets you know where you are. Thats it. Nothing more. You also have the ability to mark your locations, as well, and it will provide to you directions from one location to another. Which can, without question, be very useful.

How useful is that, you ask? Well, the moment you find that sturgeon, you can use the GPS fish finder to mark its location, so that you now have the ability to find your way back to the exact same spot again. The possibility exists that there will be an additional sturgeon at that location.

Obviously, it is also very useful if you get lost. You know the situation, when you're right in the middle of a big lake, all the coves and bays appear to be pretty much the same. Also, if you are someone who is directionally challenged, it is more likely that you will get lost.

At the point that you end up getting lost on a large lake the only thing left to do is to circle the lake and try to locate a landmark that looks familiar, or God forbid you get tired and you run out of fuel. With a GPS fish finder, though, you can mark the location of the dock when you first leave it, and then it is a much simpler matter to find your way back home.

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